♡Good Fit & Smile ♡♡Breast cancer support♡

Swimming and breast form

Do you like exercise?

Can you exercise after the operation as before? Some people may feel uneasy.

If the pain and discomfort after surgery become lighter, you can do any sport if you do not overdo it according to your physical condition and physical strength. Moving your body can lead to rehabilitation, and your mind is a chance to refresh your mind.
However, be sure to perform the preparatory exercise before and after the exercise. When using muscles that you do not usually use, do stretching gymnastics.

Our blest form is ideal for exercise such as swimming and yoga. It is light and easy to dry even if you sweat immediately. Some of our customers are surfing. Also, when the pressure is strongly applied, the breast foam does not burst.

If you enter the pool or the sea, be sure to wash it with tap water. The deterioration of the product may be accelerated due to the effects of chlorine.

Would you like to wear our blest form and enjoy exercising happily?

Breast Cancer BREAST CANCER SURGERY breast Forms Breastprosthesis mastectomy Cancer support Breast cancer Breast cancer aftercare Breast cancer care After breast cancer breast cancer

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