♡Good Fit & Smile ♡♡Breast cancer support♡
♡Good Fit & Smile ♡♡Breast cancer support♡

Let's spend comfortably during exercise!

It followed hot days.

Even if you wear your underwear, it will be even hotter by wearing a blest form. Our blest form has good breathability, cute colors, so you can spend your daily life lightly and comfortable.

Of course, even if you wash the breast foam after sweating by exercise, it dries quickly, so you can wear it easily during exercise. Some customers are surfing and surfing our breast form. Unlike the conventional brest form, there is no worry that the gel will burst by exercise because the material is not gel.

During exercise, do it while replenishing moisture and salt. Apple vinegar is very effective for refreshing your physical fatigue after exercise.


Breast Cancer AfterCare BREAST CANCER SURGERY breast Forms Breastprosthesis Breast cancer Breast cancer aftercare Breast cancer care After breast cancer Breast cancer pad

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