♡Good Fit & Smile ♡♡Breast cancer support♡
♡Good Fit & Smile ♡♡Breast cancer support♡

Let's secure time to be alone.

Today is the continuation of the previous blog. It is part2 that should be thrown away.

2. "Time tied to others"

If your heart is tired, keep the distance from others and secure the time to be alone. We are usually tied to others' gaze. He acts on the gaze of others and suppresses his thoughts and greed.

Of course, being aware of the gaze of others is necessary to live in society. But that is also stressful. By creating time alone, you can drive away the gaze of others and escape from the daily chronic pressure.

① Let's divide the holidays in three parts. For example, relax at home in the morning. In the afternoon, read at the cafe. At night, watch a movie while drinking alcohol.

Etc. Even on a whole day off, you can rest without feeling guilty by making a certain schedule to some extent. If you are lazy without deciding what to do, you may get tired.

② Let's do a simple work. For example, painting, playing games, etc. By doing simple work without using your head, you can forget your thoughts and become absorbed and reset your head.

③ Let's plan a long -term stay. For example, we recommend a spacious trip, such as immersing in hot springs, walking, or spending time watching the sea. Ideally stay for 2 nights or more, so you can relax without being overwhelmed by not too much sightseeing and leisure.

How was it? It would be nice if you could take it in and execute it. The next blog will introduce Part3.

Recently, it has warmth and feels like spring little by little. Let's spend a wonderful week with a smile this week!

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