After breast cancer surgery, it may feel pain. It will be worried about "recurrence? Metastasive?"
Postoperative pain can be divided into two types. 1 Pain immediately after surgery 2 Chronic pain.
The pain immediately after the surgery is painless due to drain insertion, pain due to hyperstone by accrual pain and wounding, the pain of the scribbled part. After the postoperative, it will be prescribed for pain, so let's all take care of it as a prescription. By conveying it to the medical staff how it hurts, it is possible to effectively control pain due to adjustment of the timing of drugs.
2 Chronic pain in 2 is injured by neurons by surgery, with the chest to the upper arm and may feel uncomfortable and pain. It is called "pain syndrome after breast resection". These continue chronically but are often lightering. In addition, there is also a "lymphatic pain" that the upper limbs arise due to lymph edema, and there is also a "illegitant pain pain" that should have been disconnected.
These are irrelevant to recurrence but will consult your doctor if everyday life is blocked.
If you know pain and type after surgery, or the cause, isn't anxious feeling too small?